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Even though the value of information in a book or magazine is not measured by the cover, an intriguing and unique cover can determine whether the book or magazine will be opened. Covers designed by Meta Rose Art & Business will get a book opened!

Our flyers are "eye-catching" and inviting!  Let us make one for you!

Musician flyers tell you what future events are going to take place.  Send one to friends.
Music is enjoyed by many people.  Invite your friends and family to a concert with a flyer.
Introducing a magazine article with a flyer can draw in many readers.
Send flyers to friends and family informing them of the music  recital your child will play in.  Make your child happy!

Covers and flyers will contain 3 to 4 images.  Information on the books, magazine or flyer is provided by the purchaser. 


Image suggestions can be made by Meta Rose Art & Business.


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